Trovati 8 livelli idrici aggiornati per 'Bayou Teche'


Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
Adeline Bridge Near Jeanerette Bayou Teche 0.789824 ft 313.817 cfs
Arnaudville Bayou Teche 12.366912 ft 1209.378 cfs
Below Keystone L&d Nr St Martinville Bayou Teche 2.549216 ft
Calumet Bayou Teche E Of Calumet Flood Gate 2.539376 ft
Calumet Bayou Teche W Of Calumet Flood Gate 1.829584 ft
Keystone L&d Nr St Martinville Bayou Teche 10.067304 ft 286.989 cfs
Near Port Barre Bayou Teche 16.04576 ft
Port Barre Bayou Teche 16.195984 ft 789.661 cfs